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Vince wiggles... Visit

Gertrud, Dirk & Juergen
One of our African friends, Jean Mastaki Bafa reports that the Nigerian media and also
the Ministry of Culture and Human Rights are following the developments
with great interest.
[19th April] Je viens detre recu par le ministre des droits humains qui va
organiser une presentation a la nation du laureat qe je suis et mammenera
pour etre recu par le president de la republique.cest un honneur pour moi
detre un drs laureat de ASONG FOR PEACE IN THE WORLD.Ma nation
est entrain de se mobiliser pour me soutenir au concert final a ROME.
Jean Bafa Mastaki
[Beyond his regular contacts with the media in country,] Jean has been responding to the
increased media interest in "A Song For Peace".
In April he was been interviewed by 2 private channels:
tropicana t.v., télé kin Malebo (T.K.M).
Today, i.e. on Friday he will be on Radio OKAPI à 12h°° (la radio de la
Monuc), and at tropicana T.V. again for recordings.
>>>>> click here to learn everything about our representation at the WORLD MUSIC EXPO,
>>>>> Juergen's visit to Bari shortly.
check continued forum mail exchange on final concert
Our friend from Cyprus, Adamos Katsantonis reports:
[19th April] On the 5th of coming June, I will present officially my new CD
"Homeland cannot be divided" at Hilton Hotel in Nicosia.
Finally, the CD will be officially presented by the president of the Cyprus
This CD is sponsored by the USA Embassy in Cyprus.
The press conference is sponsored by the insurance company >>> ALICO AIG LIFE.
Adamos returned from Korea in April with another GOLD AWARD.
On that occasion he presented our forum and the contest: In March he wrote:
Since I was informed that I
was selected for the "Major concert", I have done a lot of
promotion through the Cyprus multi media. This April I will go to Korea
for concerts where I will organize a press conference and promote our
forum among all the other foreign artists.
One of our jury members, Tran Quang Hai has sent me the following
Dear Friends,
I have the pleasure to announce ... that Mr. Jacques Chirac,
President of the Republic of France has decided to nominate me at the grade
of Chevalier dans l'ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur (Knight in the
National Order of Legion of Honour) the highest medal of French
Distinctions to reward the multiple talent of the one who,at the same time
researcher and musician, ethnomusicologist and composer, teacher,singer and
imitator, knows how to combine study and music , East and West, vietnamese
traditions and contemporary music in the very original way .
HOping that all my friends will share with me this happy moment and
exceptional event in my life. Thank you in advance.
Tran Quang Hai >>> WEBSITE
I have sent him congratulations in the name of the forum expressing that we participate
in his honour, feeling proud to have been selected by him.
We should have a look (Italian: DARIO UN' OCCHIO) at
Dario Schepisis new website, with a special section
"A Song for Peace"